Monday, 14 March 2016

Preliminary Task

Before we were allowed to start making our actual music magazine we had to complete a preliminary task. It was a pass or fail task and no grades were given; it was to asses my ability to use the programmes, Photoshop and InDesign, before I set out to design my actual magazine.  
I had to design a school magazine. Certain criteria were set which I had to meet in order to pass the task. We had to include:
A cover page and a contents page
A medium close up of a student for the cover
At least four images in total over the entire piece of work
At least 4 school related stories on the contents page and cover
Any photographs used in our magazine had to be taken ourselves

I managed to fulfil these criteria and passed my preliminary task. Now I'm moving on to designing the music magazine I mentioned in my first post. For the music magazine we have to use similar criteria hence the setting of the guidelines in the first place however this time I have to stick to the genre conventions of the genre music I am creating my magazine for example, a pop music magazine or an indie music magazine.  


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